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Create Blog Script

ยท One min read
Charles Ancheta
A thyck developer

I created a script to create a blog post!

Update (May 23, 2022): createBlog.js is now published as an npm package!

It's not very useful since you'd still have to deploy it through your local dev machine, but at least you won't have to copy-paste existing Markdown files anymore.

[chrlz@mini ~/.../]$ pnpm blog

> [email protected] blog ~/.../
> ./scripts/createBlog.js

โœ” Who is creating this blog? โ€บ cbebe
โœ” Title of the blog โ€ฆ Create Blog Script
โœ” URL slug for the blog โ€ฆ create-blog
โœ” Pick existing tags โ€บ thyck, hard
โœ” List new tags (separated by commas) โ€ฆ script
โœ” Date of blog โ€บ May 21 2022

Here's another one with for the biker gang post:

[chrlz@mini ~/.../]$ pnpm blog

> [email protected] blog ~/.../
> ./scripts/createBlog.js

โœ” Who is creating this blog? โ€บ cbebe
โœ” Title of the blog โ€ฆ Biker Gang 2022
โœ” URL slug for the blog โ€ฆ biker-gang-2022
โœ” Pick existing tags โ€บ biking, biker, gang, butt
โœ” List new tags (separated by commas) โ€ฆ squat
โœ” Date of blog โ€บ May 15 2022